Oral Sex

Cunnilingus: See How She Melts On Your Mouth
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Cunnilingus: See How She Melts On Your Mouth

Women are not into technical things: they love them! Because besides passionate dedication, the right technique for licking makes the vital difference. It is, so to speak, the tongue that makes the difference - and the climax. There is not necessarily just one perfect technique for every licker and every licked, but there are a few very important things that guarantee many climaxes. So if you consider your oral performance equivalent to a thirsty great dog at the drinking bowl – or if you want to know, why cream puffs are good training material – than check out this licking … reading!

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Rimming – Cheeks. Nibble. Savour!

If you would compare the lovers of oral-sex with the Romans, rimming fans would be the Gaul from Asterix – opposing all those prejudging, uptight fun-killers and doubters! Nowadays, where "normal“ anal sex has not yet made it into the spheres of being a presentable sexual practice freed from taboos (but luckily getting more popular every day), rimming still has a long way to go. Alas – as it is insanely sensual, somehow wicked and incredibly intense. 

We FAQ you hard: Does rimming smell or taste strange? How to do it anyways? Which position brings the most fun? Which risks are there and how do you avoid them? All these questions are answered with this article. 

Therefore, forget everything, nasty tongues might have told you and start licking!!

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